Saturday 7 March 2009

Baby Goodspeed

Once upon a time, I had a theory about Jacob, one of Lost's greatest enigmas.

Okay, so it was yesterday...

This week's episode, 'LaFleur', reintroduced Horace Goodspeed; the man who built Jacob's Cabin. He was caught on DHARMA's security cameras blowing up trees with dynamite, and being generally a bit rowdy. Sawyer, now DHARMA's security chief on the Island in 1977, was roused to sort him out and stop him killing himself.

As it turns out, Horace's wife gives birth to a beautiful baby boy the very next day, whilst Horace is passed out on the couch. The boy, as yet, is unnamed.

I theorised that this boy was in fact Jacob. The link to his father is obvious, and it would make sense that he inhabited it (when Locke came across the apparition of Horace in season 4, Horace told him that he was building the cabin for him and his missus. The child is not mentioned, but bear in mind this apparition is 12 years dead, post-purge. Ben Linus and several of the DHARMA workers defected to The Others, so why not this boy?
Horace also tells Locke that "if you find me, you'll find Jacob". Horace MUST know who Jacob is, knowing that Jacob is in his cabin, leading me to believe that he was once affiliated with the good folks of DHARMA.

However, I just remembered that Locke drops Jacob's name to Richard Alpert all the way back in 1954, which seems to grant him a private audience with Mr. Immortal. If Richard knew him back then, 23 years before this child was born...hrm. And I felt so clever...

Of the other theories, this one is my favorite: the child is Caesar, the odd one out on board Flight 316. As we know, the child was born by caesarean, and characters are never named without some kind of meaning behind them. Remember also that he searches on of Hydra Station's offices and conceals a shotgun in his bag, indicating he perhaps knows about the island's dangers. 
Doesn't seem like the right ethnicity, however...
The character has just been introduced in the 'present' (along with the new US Marshall Ilana) anyway, so it ties in nicely.


Sylar said...

I like the idea that the child is Casear. Alot.

But I'm pretty sure that Jacobs identity is a lot Simpler than that. I have alot of theories all leading to the same conclusion but they are too long to write here and require alot of effort.

But I'm glad you started this blog. You can expect me to follow it and to post on it when you do.

Segue said...

I find it interesting that you believe Jacob is Locke - a man of faith - based on mostly scientific theories. I, on the other hand, believe it's Jack - the man of science - based on matters of faith!

Sylar said...

You are a Padawan. And have disrespected the Master. You shall pay.

There are adequate points to support a 'Jack is Jacob' theory. But what motive does Jack have to become Jacob? Thats the question that makes all the clues fall down for me. I know he has the Tattoo and all that but at the end of the day he cares not for the island but for People. Locke on the other Hand is very different